Project Description

What is Microblading?

(Semi Permanent, Eyebrow Embroidery, Brow Resurrection)

Microblading (or eyebrow embroidery) is a relatively new, manual method. It is considered to be semi-permanent, as compared to the traditional hairstroke technique. It is done using a very fine blade to deposit pigments into the epidermis. Because we’re impacting color closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. There is no “spilling” under the skin.

This method is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look of their eyebrows. The results are natural looking, hair-like strokes, regardless of the amount of hair present. People suffering from alopecia, trichotillomania or any other condition that causes hair loss benefit greatly from Microblading, as well as people who simply aren’t happy with their eyebrows.

The pigments used in this method have been formulated to match your original eyebrow color, and if the eyebrows are still present, blend perfectly into them. The results are a natural, flawless, fuller looking brow. Initially, the brows appear darker, but fade significantly over a two week period. It is absolutely crucial to have a touch up done, as it is very difficult to predict how well the skin will retain the pigment.

The results can last anywhere from 1 to 3 years, depending on different factors affecting the procedure. However, a touch up once a year is recommended to retain the shape and saturation of pigment.

Before choosing a technician for your procedure, PLEASE make sure you check out their previous work. Going blindly is never a good idea.

Technicians who are proficient always provide before/after photos. Do not take anyone’s word for it. Always see with your own eyes and make an educated decision, based on their previous work.

This is, after all, your face and even semi-permanent make up can cause some permanent changes to your skin. In this wonderful, technologically-advanced world, we can access just about any information we need. Use it to your advantage and be safe.

  • Susan van Zantvliet is the first microblading technician to qualify in Spain for the Branko Babic method!

    Here I am with Branko Babic, The World Master of Microblading!

















Microblading In Marbella
Eyebrow Microblading
Imperia Beauty Microblading
Semi Permanent Microblading

Microblading Brows

Book Treatment