Project Description

Areola Reconstructive Tattooing

PhiAreola Areola is a technique designed to recreate the illusion of an areola including the nipple. Created with a unique combination of light and shadow contrasts that make an incredible 3D effect when combined.

PhiAreola Treatment

The focus is on matching the areola to the new breast in terms of size, shape, texture, color, projection and position. This final element is incredibly important, because it often brings a sense of fulfilment and completion to a woman’s breast reconstruction journey. We can also help heal the scars from previous surgical treatments.


When it comes to areola pigmentation, people have very different reasons to undergo this treatment. However, when dealing with former breast cancer patients it is important to understand the significance of this treatment for them.

This is often one of the last steps towards rebuilding the breast, allowing the patient to feel like a complete woman again.

For them this is a part of medical and psychological healing process and not purely a cosmetic procedure.

When to use this procedure?

  • When clients have lost their breast(s) due to breast cancer

  • When someone is seeking for personal physical perfection

  • When client wants to change the shape etc..

Areola Reconstructive Tattooing

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